Operatives of the Osun State Security Network, codenamed Amotekun Corps, have arrested a 21-year-old suspected kidnapper, Enetho Destiny, while he was heading for Patigi, Kwara State.

Osun Amotekun Field Commander, Amitolu Shittu, during an interview with correspondents on Wednesday, said the suspect was arrested in Ila, Osun State on Sunday.

Shittu also said operatives on patrol saw the suspect inside a bush with a bag of rice and picked him up, adding that upon interrogation, it was discovered that Destiny was a kidnapper based in Edo State.

The Amotekun boss, who warned that the operatives would continue to make every part of Osun’s territory unsafe for criminals, further said operatives have sustained search in the area where Destiny was apprehended to ensure that others working with the suspect who may be hiding, were also arrested.


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