French supermarket Carrefour has put stickers on its shelves this week warning shoppers of “shrinkflation” – where packet contents are getting smaller while prices are not.
Shoppers are being told if bottles are smaller or pack contents lighter.
Carrefour said it wanted to put pressure on the firms making the products to keep prices down.
Stefen Bompais, director of client communications at Carrefour said the aim in stigmatising these products is to tell manufacturers to rethink their pricing policy.
The supermarket has identified 26 products that have shrunk, without a price reduction to match, made by food giants including Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever.
Carrefour, which is France’s second-largest grocer, is highlighting the products in question with signs on the shelves.
Unilever, Pepsico and Nestle have not commented on the move.
French retailers and food manufacturers have come under pressure to reduce prices, just as in the UK, as shoppers struggle with sharply rising prices.
In June French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire summoned 75 retailers and consumer groups to a meeting about prices, and has accused manufacturers of not toeing the line on inflation.
British consumer groups have also warned of “shrinkflation” affecting the value of common items from cat food to chocolate biscuits.
But it is unlikely that UK supermarkets would follow in Carrefour’s footsteps, according to retail expert Ged Futter, because the strategy risks “poisoning” relationships between retailers and food firms.