A Lagos High Court on Friday refused the bail application of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) driver, Oluwaseun Osibanjo, whose role in the March 9 collision with a moving train led to the death of at least six persons with many others injured.

The incident, which occurred at the PWD, Ikeja area of Lagos, involved some judiciary staff workers and other staff of the state government who were on their way to work.

In her ruling on the bail application, Justice Oyindamola Ogala held that Osibanjo’s health was stable after he had spent seven weeks in the Intensive Care Unit and had been discharged to face his trial.

Justice Ogala also ruled that the defendant could continue to receive medical care in custody.

The Director of Public Prosecution, Babajide Martins had urged the court to refuse the bail application, saying the defendant is a flight risk.

So far, two witnesses have testified against the defendant.

In May, the court heard the testimonies of a passenger on the bus, as well as a Vehicle Inspection Officer (VIO), Ahmed Baruwa.

The defendant is standing trial on a 16-count charge bordering on involuntary manslaughter and grievous harm, preferred against him by the state government.

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