Beneficiaries of the N-Power Scheme under the Social Investment Programme (SIP) of the federal government in Bauchi State yesterday held a peaceful protest over the non-disbursement of funds promised to them to start their businesses.
The national president of the N-Power Beneficiaries, Bashir Usman Gobir, disclosed to journalists during the protest that the federal government should fulfil its promise to them through the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs Disaster Management and Social Development in conjunction with the Central Bank of Nigeria in March this year when they organised an entrepreneurship training for the beneficiaries.
He said they were directed to indicate their business plans with a promise of funds disbursement to enable them become self-reliant.
He recalled that prior to the 2019 general elections when the SIP programme was under the supervision of the office of Vice President then headed by an officer Mr. Afolabi, the N-Power beneficiaries were told that their PVCs would be sureties for giving them permanent appointments into the civil services of the federal government after the successful voting of the administration for a second term tenure.
Gobir said however that along the way after the elections sometimes in March 2020, an entrepreneurship training was organised for them by the Ministry for Humanitarian Affairs in collaboration with the Central Bank of Nigeria during which period they were promised funds disbursement to individually kick-start their differently chosen businesses in which to fend for a living.