Electricity generation on Wednesday declined from 4,017MW at 14 hours to 1,892.30MW at 15:00 hours.
This is according to the Independent System Operator of the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN).
Twenty power plants were in operation when the grid recorded 4,017MW and later dipped by 2,125.66MW.
At 16:00 hours on Wednesday, the production increased to 1,191MW when only eight plants were operational.
The document said Aloaji NIPP (Gas) produced 106.60MW with one unit, and with two units, Dandikowa GS (Hydro ) generated 32.50MW, Delta (Gas) generated 319MW with eight units and with one unit, Ibom Power (Gas) produced 106.20MW.
The SO added that Jebba Hydro generated 374MW with four units, Kainji (Hydro ) generated 480MW with five units while Olorunsogo (Gas) produced 120.40MW with four units.
At the hour under review, the SO revealed that Olorunsogo NIPP (Gas) produced 106.80MW with one unit, Omoku (Gas) produced 42.40MW with three units while Paras Energy (Gas) produced 57.20MW with eight units and with four units, Sapele (Steam) generated 108.20MW.