His Lordship was present at St. Stephen Chaplaincy, Nkwelle Ezunaka, to witness and celebrate the First Religious Profession of Bro. Anselm Nchekwube Nwaogu and Bro. Paul Chibueze Orisakwe.

Vocation is indeed an interplay between the divine call and human response. These two young, vibrant, and promising men have heeded the Lord’s summoning, committing themselves to a life of prayer, obedience, poverty, and chastity for the sake of God’s kingdom.
The work of the Brothers serves as a powerful testimony to the lives of the Apostolic community. Their joyful living in community and their presence among us reflect God’s ability to use us as instruments of peace, joy, and hope. They remind us that God alone is the ultimate aspiration of our lives.
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May their journey as Brothers of St. Stephen bring abundant blessings to the Church and to humanity.